Monday, May 14, 2018

What I got for Mother's Day

Sorry for being M.I.A last week. A family member has passed away. We were out of town a few days to attend the memorial service. My older daughter is taking college classes this summer (it still sounds surreal to say that - she's not even 13 yet) so I had a ton of paperwork to do. Same with the little one as she's getting ready for first grade. The hubs is as busy as ever with work. Life has gotten the best of us lately. Thank goodness things are starting to slow down a bit and we were able to enjoy Mother's Day weekend. I spent Sunday morning with my family and we went out for dinner with with my parents and my brother's family. It was a lovely weekend. Now, onto what's inside this box, I went back and forth so many times with this bag. I put my name on the waiting list thinking it would take some time (it's always sold out online). Much to my surprise, it came a lot sooner than I expected. I will do a separate post taking about my thought process, first impression review and what fits in the upcoming weeks.

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