Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What inspired me…

I’ve been searching all over the Internet trying to find a petite friendly clothing line and run into quite a few petite-friendly blogs. Two of many excellent resources are ExtraPetite and AlterationNeeded. I was amazed with the information I found on their blogs. I love to shop especially bargain shopping. With the mortgage, car payment and ridiculously expensive daycare, there isn’t much room in my pocket for expensive shopping. My philosophy is you don’t have to spend a fortune to look good. I shop pretty often. I rather shop frequently and pay less than pay a fortune for things that I need when they’re not on sale. Because of that, I really like the idea of sharing tips and experiences with petite shoppers and also getting feedbacks from others.I can't wait to share my shopping experiences with all of you.


Jean said...

How exciting! Can't wait to read about your shopping experiences/tips and to see your petite finds : )

Unknown said...

YAY! I'm always happy to see another petite blog! I have already added you to my petite blog links :)

Sydney's Fashion Diary said...

Thanks for the add! I am still working on my site. I am hoping to share my experiences with you girls soon :)

PetiteXXS said...

Welcome to the petite club! :) I'm also pretty new to the blogging world but it's been a really good experience so far... I really enjoy getting comments... it really makes me feel like I'm part of a community!

Alterations Needed said...

Congrats on starting your new blog! I hope you have as much fun with it as I have with mine! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with! =)

Sydney's Fashion Diary said...

Thanks everyone for the welcoming! Now I just have to find times to get my blog rolling :)