Sunday, June 9, 2019

An open letter to my daughter on her 14th birthday

Dear sweet child of mine,

You turned 14 today! How is that even possible? You were my first born, the one who made my dream of becoming a mother reality. Time has passed way too quickly. I watched you go to preschool, then kindergarten. I saw you in tears with your friends when you finished 5th grade. I blinked and you walked into that great big middle school. I blinked again and you'll be a freshman in a few short months. I still remember the night you came to us in tears because your best friend hurt your feelings. You were 12 at the time. I hate to see you getting hurt but at the same time, I am thankful you came to us to share your raw feelings. We explained to you that friendship breakups are a normal part of growing up (especially when you're still figuring out your identity). Friendships are a reflection of who we are and what we need. Friendships only last if both parties mutually bring value to each other's lives. Sometimes the people we think will be by our sides forever aren't. It's perfectly fine to miss the ones who go but cherish the ones who stay. The world is full of so much that is beyond our control. As parents, we set limits to protect you. However, the truth is, we know we can't protect you forever. I'll do anything for you including fighting with 2000+ people to get you a ticket to a BTS concert. Spent a whole day in the car to get to a different state and sat in the cold for 3 hours just so you can see your favorite band. People think I am crazy but I bet to differ. You deserve it!

You have grown into an amazing young woman. You are beautiful, smart, and so caring. You shine in everything you do. Your little sister looks up to you so much. Please know how incredibly proud I am of you. It was always delighted to meet with your teachers. They had nothing but praise for you. Raising you is easy. You're mature, well-rounded and you take the responsibilities seriously. Even though I know I can always count on you, one day you'll make mistakes and sometimes, bad mistakes. The most important part is in the mistakes, hopefully you can find your pathway to resolution. Embrace those mistakes, learn from them and be a better person. Making mistakes is part of learning to choose well. We don't always get things right. I want you to try new things and meet new people. You never know what door will open if you just put yourself out there. I want you to build up your confidence because having a positive attitude and confidence will carry you far in this life. As you continue your journey, knowing that we are here to support you, to guide you every step of the way and to love you unconditionally. You'll always be our sweet girl and your little sister's biggest fan. You got this! Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

Love you,
Mom, Dad and Madelyn

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