**This giveaway is now closed. Stay tuned for the winner**

Choosing the correct under clothing can help you really feel sexy and help you stay healthy. One lucky reader will win a TLBC bra of her choice (up to $60.00 value). I’d like to thank TLBC for sponsoring this giveaway. Your products truly make me feel sexy. Continue reading...
How to enter:
This giveaway opens to all readers of the PetiteLittleGirl.com. You must be a public follower to enter this giveaway. Please read the rules carefully as they have changed. I added the code to numbering my comments. Each comment will now serve as one entry for this giveaway. You’ll have 2 weeks to enter. The giveaway ends December 1st at midnight EST.
(+1 entry) – Visit TheLittleBraCompany.com and let me know which style you’d like to win and why. This entry is mandatory
For additional entries, please leave a separate comment for each entry. At the end, I will use the total number to draw the winner.
(+1 entry) – Tweet the following: Enter the @PetiteLG and @TheLittleBraCom for a chance to win a gorgeous bra of your choice. More details here http://tinyurl.com/25vqdgw. Leave me your twitter ID in a separate comment
(+1 entry) – Follow @TheLittleBraCom on Twitter and leave your Twitter ID in a separate comment
(+1 entry) – "Like" TLBC on Facebook and leave your FB name in a separate comment
(+1 entry) – Post the following button on your blog’s sidebar. Leave me the link in a separate comment. You can just copy and paste the code below
Max total of 5 entries per person. Good luck, readers!
Lol! What a funny story and you said your main point so well. You know I got lasik too in January (was also practically blind...neg 6+) and I absolutely LOVE it. I'm not against people who have physical alterations but like you I'm perfectly happy with who I am and don't need to alter anything to feel sexy.
Excellent choice. I would love to get lasik! ;)
I love the Ethel! The lace is gorgeous and what petite woman doesn't love a little lace to feel pretty underneath? :)
I have HORRIBLE vision as well (-10 and -10.5)and am waiting for the day that I can have Lasik too!
I also got lasik done, but 7 years ago. It felt like a miracle! I was even more blind than PetiteAsianGirl. haha. But I use my eyes too much for school/work, so I'm back to wearing glasses again, but my glasses are a lot thinner than they use to be :) I would love to enter the TLBC giveaway. I've been eye-ing the SASCHA for awhile now after reading the positive reviews from petite bloggers, but haven't had the nerve to fork out the money for it yet. So hope I win! haha
I would love to have the Sascha. :D My strapless bra just recently broke. :( So i am in dire need of a new one!
my email is mylifeascarrie@gmail.com
I would also love to win the Sascha, I am so intrigued by the positive reviews it has received.
my email address is fastfoodandfastfashion@gmail.com
I tweeted the giveaway
my id is FFoodNFFashion
I am also following TheLittleBraCompany on Twitter
my id is FFoodNFFashion
Choosing the Lasik was a great choice! I'm actually thinking about it for the future. I've been wearing contacts for about four years now. It doesn't bother me THAT much. Just when it gets dry, which is rare. : ) I guess when my life becomes busier, I'll turn to Lasik. How has it been for you though? Any side effects? Weren't there chances of becoming blind or worse vision after the procedure? Please let me know! haha
I'd also like the Angela bra if I win. I'm interested in it because I've never owned a convertible bra before - only a strapless one.
I tweeted it here: http://twitter.com/#!/jessy757/status/5096577316167680. : )
I already follow TLBC on Twitter! I'm jessy757
I liked them on Facebook, but I think you already know my name from shipping the LOFT skirt!
Giveaway has been posted here.
Btw good job on the button, Sydney! Did you end up using Paint? I'm so sorry mine didn't work out for you! I had no idea what to do. :(
yay for a new set of eyes!
i think you made a great decision!
i think your sexyy anyways! lol.
I love sascha in black!
It's basic and versatile--a must have! I love weaning sleeveless tops and dresses, that's why.
I would love the LUCIA - E004 in Oyster and Aqua. Wearing it would make me feel sexy and blue is my husband's favorite color :)
Definitely getting Lasik when we have the extra money. My contacts dry my eyes out (Acuve Oasys) and I am in the water often (scuba, free diving, surfing), so I lose them often :(
I tweeted. Twitter ID: mayeh
I'm following TLBC :)
I follow TLBC on Twitter!
I liked them on Facebook. Name: Maye Wimmer.
Of course, I'm a follower of this blog too :)
chishabee@gmail.com :)
The button is on my sidebar here: http://roflwafffle.blogspot.com/
I would love to try the Angela bra because it looks so great on you! I love that the padding is not too intense, but still there.
I added the button on my blog. It looks so pretty paired with the PFC button!
The ETHEL-L is gorgeous!
I love the Angela because of the cleavage you are modeling.
I am following TLBC as @mjvp16
i retweeted the contest.
btw, i chose braces over boobs. still contemplating boobs in the future. glad you chose the eyes--i'm -6.75 so can empathize!!
Just put the button on my sidebar.
I like the Angela bra! Thanks
I got lasik a couple years ago (I had -7.75, dry eyes, and astigmatism) and it's been the best decision ever!
thanks so much for the giveaway.
i love the Sasha bra on TLBC as i need a strapless bra that doesn't keep falling down cause it's too big on me!
i also just retweeted the event.
just posted the button on my blog sidebar. cuteandlittle.com
I would like to try the sasha. I have not purchased a strapless in so long because most of them didn't fit right.
Your hubby is totally awesome to offer you a boon job option. My husband is against cosmetics surgery. I am too scared to go under the knife anyway.
I am hosting my "Dior & Urban Decay - Glam Those Eyes" giveway, enter if you would like.
ohh I just got twitter yesterday! I'm always sketched to buy bras online because I have the hardest time finding fitting bras! -_-
I would love to try the Angela. I just recently discovered this site (along with other petite bloggers!) and hadn't realized that I've been wearing incorrectly sized clothes and bras for years. It would be great to have something that fits properly!
I am dying to get lasik but it just freaks me out so much!!!
I'll help support by tweeting and placing on my sidebar:)
Thanks for doing this giveaway. I've been in desperate need of some oomph! I would love to try the ANGELA bra
I've always been a following of the Little Bra Company on twitter!
Liked TBLC on Facebook
Jane Ko
lol i like your story...boob or lasik...haha i think i would have chosen the same thing.
i would love a bra from TLBC!! My favorites are the sasha and angela.
please enter me. thank you
@Aimee Hi Aimee! I was a -10 (-8.5 + -1.5 astigmatism) in both eyes and had Lasik done in 2008. If you find the right surgeon, don't wait too long. The max my surgeon would correct is -12 so I was quite close to becoming a disqualified candidate. Let me know if you have any questisn, and good luck!
(+1 entry) I'd like to win the Lucia-AB. I tried the Lucia in store and was amazed, but they didn't have my correct size or the version with convertible straps. I like the deep plunge with angled push-up cups and need the convertible straps of Lucia-AB for my small shoulders.
(+1 entry) – I tweeted the following: Enter the @PetiteLG and @TheLittleBraCom for a chance to win a gorgeous bra of your choice. More details here http://tinyurl.com/25vqdgw.
My twitter ID is wallbounce. =)
(+1 entry) I am already following @TheLittleBraCom on Twitter with ID wallbounce.
(+1 entry) I "Like" TLBC on Facebook, and my FB name is Pam Lee (facebook.com/pam.lee).
p.s. I am so glad that you chose Lasik too! =)
I would love to win the Sascha bra! I can never find a good strapless bra that actually fits right.
I would love the Sascha one too, never found the best strapless that fits yet.
tweeted on twitter @jk_yw
followed on twitter @jk_yw
liked on Facebook (Jenny Wong)
I would love the Angela! I still haven't found a bra that perfectly fits me.
tweeted @xoxoswtdreamer
following LBC
liked on facebook (Ada Lee)
Yay thank you for this PLG :) I would love the Angela (cool name too hehe)
Tweeted: pandaphilia
i follow TLBC on twitter: pandaphilia
followed TLBC on fb: angela c. (last name not written out here)
posted on left sidebar under giveaway love: pandaphilia.com
I love the Angela! I've been known to get bras from the kids section... but they never last long!
I did lasik about 4 years ago. I was happy that I was able to see everything now. I don't have to go look for my misplace glasses anymore!! You made a wise choice to pick eyes over boobs job. There are always pushed-up bras, right? :D
I would like to have the Sascha bra. I want cleavage too!! Damn, my small boobies, oh why, oh why??? I like to wear tube top dresses!! crossing my fingers, hoping luck be on my side :D I am following your blog via Google Friend connection. My email is cindydiep2@yahoo.com
I think I would choose Lasik too :) I like the Angela best - I could really use some cleavage LOL.
Also posted your button on my sidebar:
I'm so glad you picked lasik over boobs. I'm not a fan of the fake boob look. LOL!
PLUS The Little Bra Company makes us petites look better there! Hehehehe! :)
that's quite an amusing story!! your husband is so dear to offer those options hehe though id choose Lasik as well :)
hoping to win the Yvonne in pink! *crosses fingers* :)
I'd like to win Sascha since my strapless bras always dig into me or slip.
twitter id is @skuldyie.
lol at your story and your choice! I personally have huge problems going under a knife. I am scared to death about any kind of surgery. So I'm still wearing my contact lenses. And I would choose a good bra over a pair of fake boobs in a heartbeat.
So I would like to enter, and I would love to have an Angela. I think it does the most magic seeing them on you and other petites. Thank you for the giveaway.
I tweeted the giveaway, and my twitter ID is "vickysfashion".
I followed thelittlebracom on twitter, and my twitter ID is "vickysfashion".
I "liked" The Little Bra Company. My facebook name is Vicky Duerk.
I posted your giveaway on my sidebar as well.
Hope I win. pleeeeaaaase.
I've worn the heck out of my Yvonne, so I'd really like a new one.
Also, I've tweeted (@RevancheGS).
Also, I follow The Little Bra Company on Twitter as well, still with RevancheGS.
LOL at your story!!! I am dying to get lasik as well. Although I wouldn't mind a pair of boobs to go with it lol. I would love to win the Angela!!
I tweeted your giveaway! Twitter ID: tinyintx
I'm a TLBC follower! Tinyintx
Posting the giveaway! tinyintexas.blogspot.com
I have posted the giveaway button on my side-bar! Looks pretty on my blog: caramelcovered.blogspot.com Rooting for the Sascha!
I'd love to enter for the Angela bra!
Love your blog and style. I like the Angela bra in black :)
I'd like to enter for the Angela in black! I love the idea of convertible straps and have yet to try it!
i love the angela!
I'd love the Sacsha bra - Although I have a few strapless bras, they're a 32 bad size so I'll often wear a belt around my ribcage just to keep my bra up!
I tweeted about the giveaway - TheFuzzyMittens. I have my tweets protected though :/
I'm following TLBC. ID TheFuzzyMittens.
I would love to own the Lucia (in black) because it's sexy and I don't own any nicer lingerie/bras!
I tweeted about the giveaway. ID = moneymaus
I'm following @TLBC on Twitter. ID = moneymaus
I would love the Sascha bra because I'd like to have a strapless bra that actually fits and is actually flattering.
I tweeted about your giveaway. ID: Cat_at_UW
I'm already a follower of The Little Bra Company on Twitter. ID: Cat_at_UW
I clicked the "Like" button for TLBC on Facebook. FB name: Catherine Nguyen
I liked TLBC on Facebook
Megan Feeney
I'd love to win a Lucia because I'd really love some cleavage to wear with my new dress for my work Christmas party :)
I would love to win the Sascha because its strapless design makes it versatile. I'd also love to have a strapless bra that is bust-flattering.
I love the Lucia AB in blush. I'm a petite mom so I need all the help I can get haha.
I like TLBC on facebook!
I'd love the Sascha as I haven't yet found a strapless bra that doesn't eventually slide down my body while I'm wearing it!
tweeted @carolinewen
followed @carolinewen
Great story! I think Lasik is definitely the wiser choice, and you're sexy the way you are, and plus the pretty bra. I'm glad to read you like the Lasik and that it worked out. I've been contemplating it for a decade, since I got glasses, but I'm afraid of surgery and convinced myself that sexy librarian glasses are my signature accessory.
I've had Bijou bookmarked forever now. The "sweetheart" racer back is so intriguing. Thank you for the reviews. It's helpful to read your perspective. And thanks for the giveaway!
I get so jealous when I see how great these bras work for you girls! Anyone know when the c-cup is coming?
Gosh, lot of things i adore, but this one is the faviest ETHEL-L
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
I follow @thelittlebracom on twitter bird name doki doki co :)
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
I twit here http://twitter.com/#!/dokidokico/status/7418154271645696
Much Thankies for the chance dear
Good luck for me and everyone :)
just "liked" TLBC on facebook. My username is Elle FFnFF
I'm already a follower of your blog ^^ and from The-Little-Bra-Company my pick would be the "Lucia-AB" in Ivory.
^I forgot to add: I'd choose the Lucia in Ivory because it has convertible straps and it's still so pretty, which I totally love! Color-wise I could wear it with everything.
Also, I've twittered about this giveaway! ;)
i love the LUCIA - E004 in black because its lacy is so sexy!
i follow your blog!
tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/DolphinV27/status/7674915738091520
i like tlbc on facebook
i follow them on twitter @DolphinV27
button on blog:
I'd love the Sascha in nude because I'm in dire need of a well-fitting strapless bra since I have tons of grad events to go to this year! Which means lots of dresses to wear!
My email is:
I follow you via GFC (Camelia Andrasescu)
From the site I like Lucia bra because is exactly my style.
I liked TLBC on FB(Adriana Camelia Andrasescu-Scrieciu )
OMG I can't believe I missed this giveaway - so sorry Sydney!
I would love to win the Angela because I'm always looking for any kind of cleavage LOL!
Just tweeted: @CurlsPearls
I'm already following @TheLittleBraCompany on twitter
I posted your button on my sidebar!
I'd love to win the Angela bra! +1
I tweeted your giveaway @eastcoasterin
I (@eastcoasterin) follow @thelittlebracom on twitter as well
I forgot to add my Twitter-ID: Sammystic
I've twittered about your giveaway and I'm following @TheLittleBraCom ! ^_^
I tweeted your giveaway! @elegantlillady +1
I'm also following @thelittlebracom XD @elegantlillady +1
I'd love the Angela!
Also "liked" TLBC on FB! Nicole Lew @ FB +1
That is a really cute story. lol
I like the vanilla and nude yavoh one...
Hi! I follow your blog via gfc as khrista porcadilla. I like bras with smooth cups so they don't produce a crease on my shirt. I love the yvonne bra! I hope I win this. Thanks for the giveaway.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
Here's a link to my tweet!
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
Following @thelittlebracom on twitter as bellekhris.
khrisocubillo at yahoo dot com
Thanks for letting me know about the giveaway. I am really liking the Ethel!
@rosealamode is now following @thelittlebracom on twitter
And just tweeted about it. :)
THe lucia bra is gorgeous! it would be a great peekaboo bra with a little black dress :)
WHo was the winner of this?
Currently I am pregnant, my breast have grown 2 sizes so far, this bra is the perfect price as well as fits true to size! I am a 36DD and it holds them up! I am very excited about this purchase and will definitely be buying another one! :)
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