{Stacked with my Michael Kors 5128 }
How to enter:
1. Follow my blog via GFC
2. Leave me a comment letting me know which color you’re entering for (gunmetal or white or gold).
3. For an additional entry, click here to tweet
Winners will be announced on Sunday - 12.18. Bangles will be sent out immediately after that. This giveaway is open to U.S. & Canada readers only.
Good luck!
Disclaimer: Ann Taylor has generously provided these bangles for the giveaway. I am not associated with them in any way. I will not be compensated for posting this giveaway on my blog.
OH wow Sydney, those are so pretty! Please enter me! I follow you with GFC and I like the white one!
I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/#!/TOBeautyReviews/status/144868282221076481
(I couldn't get your "click to tweet" to work!
Gold for me, please! I am absolutely loving yellow gold these days. I find I wear it almost exclusively.
Hello, Framboise!
wow thanks sydney! the yellow gold is my fave but the others are so pretty too!
long-time GFC follower: Angie
tweeted here:
Enter @Petitelg 's giveaway for a chance to win a beautiful @anntaylor glitter bangle (3 winners). Details here: http://tinyurl.com/bofordu
thanks sydney. I do like a gold color...Merry Christmas to you and your family...
Those are beautiful Sydney.
Follower: Trisha
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/Teeyu/status/144870432045150208
I am already following on GC, tweeted, and I love the gunmetal or white.
1. I'm a follower
2. White please!
PS - I'll be traveling when you announce the winners... so if luck is on my side and I win, is there a time limit of when I'll have to contact you?
ahhhh, so hard to decide, they are all gorgeous!!!
I am a follower
I like the white
I also shared it on Twitter (https://twitter.com/#!/FFoodNFFashion/status/144876054354460672)
Thanks Sydney!
I'm a follower. Gunmetal.
These are beautiful. I'm a follower already. Gunmetal. Thanks!
Hi Sydney. I've been your GFC follower for awhile now. I love the one in Gold.
I've also tweeted @BeccaMeows :)!
They are soooo fabulous. I'd love to enter for the white one.
Merry Christmas! White. Thanks for the contest!
Hi Sydney, I'd love to enter! My favorite is the gold one. I've also tweeted on Twitter name @aneetac :)
Hi Sydney, thanks for the giveaway! I've been following you for a while now. I would love the gunmetal one!
I tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/daisy351/status/144883562146054144
Hi Sydney! Thanks for the giveaway. I follow via GFC and I love the gold one. I also tweeted about the giveaway
Loyal follower here. This is awesome. the gold one has my eye. thank you for this.
Those are too gorgeous, and I cannot resist trying my luck!
The gunmetal bangle caught my eye, and I also tweeted about the giveaway @ReaderlyAllison!
tweeted here!
Good luck to everybody that enters!! They are so GORGEOUS!! I would love the gold one!! =)
Hi Sydney, I've been anonymously following your blog for a while now but never have time to comment (during work...) but couldn't resist this time! The gold is beautiful!
Tweet tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/kgossipgirl
Karen C
hi there - would love to enter.
loving the white one~ thank you!
Fabulous giveaway. The bracelets are beautiful. Please enter me, I am already a follower.
Also, if I had to pick one, I'd go with the gun metal.
I love these! how cute! I follow you via GFC and love the white one :)
Love your blog!
I'd love to win the Gunmetal - so gorgeous!
I follow you through GFC. Tweeted at https://twitter.com/#!/zukitt/status/144905852854337536
I would love to win the white one!
Wow, that is so pretty! I love the gold one. Thanks for the giveaway!
By the way,sorry for my ignorance, what is GFC? have been a follower of your blog for a few months now. I tweeted about your giveaway too!
I'm a follower. Please enter me. I would love white or gunmetal.
Followed on GFC! (hope I did that right...)
I love the gold one. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :)
Hi Sydney, I would love to enter and my favorite is the white one. The bangles look absolutely gorgeous and I really like the way you play those with MK watch. Thank you for your inspiring blog!
heey , thanks for the giveaway! :) i would like the white one! :)
ooh and I also tweeted it , my twitter is leoniee_ :)
I like the white one best! Tweeted it from @multimodaltime too.
I would love the white one! So pretty!
I'm entering for the white one! It's super pretty!
I also tweeted! @iAmMinDee
I love the gold one!
I tweeted the giveaway, will post the link of my tweet whenI get to my comp. Not showing on ipad.
WOW! 3 Winners! I would love the gunmetal.
I am a GFC follower and I would like the gold one!
Gorgeous bracelets...I'd love the gunmetal!
Hello Sydney! I'd love to enter your giveaway. I am following you on GFC via Bravoe Runway. I'd love to win the gunmetal bangle.
To answer your question, the lipstick I am wearing in today's post is from Make-up Forever, #41 is the colour of the shade.
All 3 are beauties, but this go around I'm leaning toward the gold one.
Wow Sydney, this a nice bracelet. I hope I can get lucky and get the gunmetal bangle. :) Thank you.
I love them all. I'll be happy if I win one. I don't care which since they are lovely.
I'm a GFC follower! I love them all, I really can't choose!
I'm following via GFC. Love the gunmetal one!
they're all so beautiful!
I can't decide. at first I thought white was the best, but then I realized gold i pretty too, and so gunmetal!
but I think I'm going to go with gold...
Thank you for what you do Sydney,I enjoy your site!! ;)
I love the gunmetal one!
Enter @Petitelg 's giveaway for a chance to win a beautiful @anntaylor glitter bangle (3 winners). Details here: http://tinyurl.com/bofordu
I tweeted too! ;)
1. The Little Dust Princess
2. Gunmetal : )
3. https://twitter.com/#!/jessy757/status/144985829599756289
Thanks Sydney! All three bangles are soo pretty <3
GFC: CrystalLuvz
Would love it in gunmetal!!!
Pinky Sade - GFC
Either gunmetal or gold! Surprise me :)
gosh i cannot decide which one i like the best!! i think i'd go for the gold one!! i love anything gold these days! :D
I GFC! Gunmetal baby.
Gunmetal, please! I'm following on GFC and did a tweet. :)
Tweeted the giveaway:
I'm a GFC follower (Jaye)! Love the gold one!
i like gold
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway, Sydney! I'm a GFC follower and I tweeted. I love the gold bangle :)
The gold bangle is lovely! Following via BlogLovin'!
xo, tasha
twenty-something blog
follow me
I tweeted about the giveaway :)
xo, tasha
twenty-something blog
follow me
I am a follower. I like to enter and like the gold one. thanks
Very pretty. Please enter me. I love the gold one. thank you. I am a follower.
love it! especially the gold! amdierm at g mail dot c om
tweeted! http://twitter.com/#!/Amdierm/status/145028718077820928
the gold is just what i'm looking for! :)
yay, i am a follower! i love the white one. :)
<3, Mimi
$100 Shopbop Gift Card Giveaway
i also tweeted. :)
<3, Mimi
$100 Shopbop Gift Card Giveaway
Gold one! I am a follower too. Love your blog Sydney!
so cute! gold!
Love the gunmetal! :)
OoO so hard to pick since they are all so nice. I would prob get the gunmetal.
I just tweeted also! :)
Hello...I'm new to your blog. You have a wonderful fashion sense. Please sign me up for the gold bangle.
white! so pretty
I follow as v.ramsey and I like the white.
Following as TNT Tauna. Love your posts!
They all look so PRETTY!
If I have to choose, then it'll have to be white.
Here's my tweet!
These are gorgeous! I'm a follower on GFC. I think I'd have to go for the white!
Thanks for this. Lovely giveaway. :)
Hi, I'd like to enter for the white one. Thank you.
by the way, i just became your follower today.^^ CJ
following on gfc
I like the gold one most!
Pretty Sydney! I like the gold please!
Follow you on GFC and tweeted :)
I would like the Gunmetal, please. I followed on GFC>
Thank you Kris R
I'm a new follower :-)
All of them are beautiful, but I'd pick the white!
That gunmetal one is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway!!
If I win, gold for me, please! :)
Oh how exciting. Please enter me for the white one. Thank you.
I'm a GFC follower and I like the gunmetal or the white bangle. Ok, I think it's the gunmetal.
I'm a GFC follower! Please enter me for the gold one!
Great contest! Please enter me for the gunmetal bangle! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
I'd like to enter for the gold! Thank you for the giveaway!! :)
I tweeted about the giveaway!
Go with the gold. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am an avid follower :). I would love to get the white one. I feel that it will add more pop and sophisrication to any outfit.
have been a follower.... and i just tweeted about it (my twitter: adamalexmommy)
i would love the metallic gray/silver one!
I'm a follower and I love the gold bracelet! =)
I also tweeted
I'd love the silver one! Thanks for the great giveaway.
Gold please! It's so pretty :D
I love the gold!
Definitely gold! :)
Gunmetal please :D!
I would love to win the white! :)
Followed: Eugenia/ www.geniabeme.com
i also tweeted :)
white is so pretty!
gold please. following your blog ;)
I'm a follower. Please enter me for the gunmetal. Thanks.
I'm a follower! I would like the hold one. Thank you for this giveaway!
GFC follower!
I adore the gold one! Cheers!
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
heatheranne99 at gmail dot com
GFC follower. The gunmetal bracelet speaks to me! So lovely. I feel confident that if you are giving it away, it will fit my itty bitty wrists. So exciting!
I'm a follower. Love the gold bracelet!
I love the gold :) And i tweeted as hermione9713
Hi. I'm a follower. I would like the white one. Btw happy holidays.
I'm a follower and I would like either the Gunmetal or White one! Thanks for the giveaway!
I follow your blog too. Unfortunately I do not know how to tweet :/
I would love to win the gold bracelet! Good luck to me :D
I follow your blog and would love to enter for the white one! Thank you!
Followed and love the gold!
I follow your blog and would really love the gold colored bracelet.
GFC follower! I love the gunmetal - it looks sweet but tough, just like me. ;)
I tweeted also.
Following you for quite awhile, 1st time entering. The white one is my favorite.Thank you and I hope you are having a lovely vacation.
hello! i'm following as m (em). love the white one!
I am following at Chamoe, and tweeted it as danyxthree. =) I would love to enter for the white one!
Hi PLG, hope you are enjoying an awesome vacation with your loved ones. Hope to hear all about it when you get back. Oh & I would like to enter for the Gold bracelet, thank you!
i like the silver one. thanks!
I like the gunmetal! Thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway =)
I follow you too GFC name Harija =)
Ps. I would like to win the black one =)
And good luck to everyone!
Gold is gorgeous!!
Tweeted @blancatherese
Following blog also, aside from tweeting about the giveaway. It's so difficult to choose...but I'll go with white (silver). Thanks :)
I love the white, I tweeted the giveaway and followed you on GFC
twitter name is mrsdreajulian71
White is my top choice but they're all 3 gorgeous!
Hi, I would love to win the gold one. thanks :)
I would love to win the gold one.
Hi, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the white one!
Beautiful! I'm entering to win the gunmetal one. Thanks!
I'm a follower and I would love the white one! Thanks!
I'm a following your blog now. I would like the gunmetal one, please! Thank you!
Thanks for the giveaway and most importantly, all the wonderful posts (recent tailoring from 12P to 0P is eye opening). I really love the gunmetal bracelet, thanks! Just followed you.
GOLD GOLD GOLD! or white:)
all of them are lovely, but gold and white are my favs :)
I am following and they are all gorgeous. I love the gold and white/silver but I think I am leaning towards the gold.
I am following. I cannot find a comment by me, so I want gold (:
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