For this week's handbag chit chat, I wanted to discuss about a particular handbag style - the camera bag. I did have a chance to try on a few myself so I thought I'd share what I like and dislike. Each brand has its own version and here's my two cents:
Gucci Soho Disco bag: This bag is getting more popular by the day. I've seen quite a few of them on bloggers. It's cute, functional and the price point isn't so bad for a designer bag. However, I am personally not a fan of tassels (not just on this bag but in general). Tassels and fringes are not my cup of tea. Since the tassel is not removable, I don't think I can live with it. This is how the bag looks on me. I like the size and the fact that the shoulder strap is adjustable. It's available in a variety of colors.
Saint Laurent Blogger bag (love the name!). I didn't try it on but personally don't think the bag is worth the price tag ($995). It's super tiny and the leather feels kind of cheap. The iPhone 6 plus won't fit in the bag (maybe the 6?). Again, the tassel is huge. This is my least favorite out of the bunch.
Saint Laurent small camera bag: This is another version of their camera-style bag. However, I love this one. I haven't seen this bag in person but I like the overall design much better than the blogger bag. The chevron patterns and the luggage tag add a modern touch to the bag.
My final thought: If you adore the camera bag trend but don't want to spend too much money, I would suggest getting the J.Crew Signet. If you have the money to splurge, the Saint Laurent is definitely on top of my list. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
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