Thursday, March 10, 2022

Monthly Recap (Jan & Feb)

I honestly haven't had time to catch my breath since the beginning of the year. The past couple of months have been a crazy whirlwind. However, I still want to capture/share the moments here so that later, I can look back and reminisce.


  • Madelyn's competition season started the first week of Jan and it's been non-stop. We travel basically every other weekend to her meets. 5 down, 2 more to go. Ohio State meet will be the last one. She's doing amazing. Lots of practice and hard work, long hours at the gym. I am very proud of her wonderful achievement and dedication.
  • Celebrated Lunar New Year with our dear friends: Very grateful to have these ladies in my life. They are good people with kind hearts. We hosted at our place. Each family brought a dish to share. It was crazy with 25 people in the house but the kids had fun playing together and the adults had a great time catching up.
  • Madelyn's braces are off: After one full year of wearing braces, they're finally off! What a big difference. She still has to go through another round of braces in a few years to correct her overbite.
  • Courtney's prom dress shopping: She's going to prom this year!! We started looking for dresses a few weeks ago and let me tell you, I was shocked. I had no idea how expensive prom dresses are. Talking about $500 - $1500 for a dress that she only wears for a few hours. Since prom didn't happen for the past 2 years, kids are going crazy this year with prom dress shopping. They grab whatever available. I wanted to stay around $400 but it was difficult. At last, she said yes to the dress (not pictured)! She looks beautiful in it. Sharing a few dresses that she liked but did not get.
  • Our annual ski trip: We went on our annual ski trip with friends and had a blast. I got this ski suit right before the trip and wasn't sure what to expect. The suit turned out amazing! I was outside for 8 hours and it kept me warm the entire time. Highly recommend this shop if you're looking for a high quality snow suit. They're taking a break right now due to what's happening in Ukraine =( Similar suits available here.
  • Valentine's Day is not something we typically celebrate but I wanted to mention it here because Madelyn made me an amazing gift. I teared up when she gave me a handmade book. It's called "100 reasons why I love you". This is the most precious gift a Mom could ever ask for. It will treasure it for the rest of my life.
  • Trip to Boston: Courtney and I took the first mother-daughter trip to Boson

MonthlyRecap_SydneysFashionDiary (1) MonthlyRecap_SydneysFashionDiary (2)

Looking forward to:

  • Celebrate my Mom's birthday: My Mom will be 67 this month. We are looking forward to celebrate her
  • Our spring break trip: Very much looking forward to our Spring break trip out West. Can't wait to connect with nature in its most majestic forms.
  • Our floor remodeling starts next week: It's been a long process working/interviewing different contractors. We finally signed the contract and ordered the material. The contractors will start next week!
PromDresses2022_SydneysFashionDiary {Orange gown *my favorite dress on her but she would never wear an orange dress*} PromDresses2022_SydneysFashionDiary (1) PromDresses2022_SydneysFashionDiary (3)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like fun.
