With that said, I can’t tell you enough how much I love these classic pieces that I picked up recently. These items are on super sale right now in-store. I believe the J.Crew honey comb cable sweater is now $20.00, the GAP lightweight corduroy leggings are now $6.00 and the Mossimo flannel plaid shirt is now $8.00. Most of the smaller sizes already sold out but it doesn’t hurt to check with your local stores. You might get lucky!

What I am wearing:
Shirt: Mossimo flannel plaid shirt - size XS
Bottom: GAP corduroy leggings - size 24/00 - 30% off with code GAPFUN
Sweater: J.Crew honeycomb cable sweater - size XXS
Boots: Aldo *old* (buy simlar)
Purse: Chanel lambskin double flap (buy simlar)

I hope you enjoy this outfit. This blog is just simply an outlet for me to document my outfits. I am not here to give you fashion advice nor trying to be a trendsetter. Although, I do hope you’ll find some inspiration through my blog as my outfits are wearable, accessible and affordable. It’s very important to stay true to who you are. It’s so easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the real purpose of your blog. Don’t you agree?

As always, thank you for stopping by!
I liked your outfit. And I agree with you about the blogging issues:)
I totally love that you dress for "real life". I take inspiration from all of you that blog and appreciate the time and effort you put into it. Thanks and keep posting!
You're so lucky! I really miss Dublin and all the great malls in a 20 mile radius--well especially Tuttle Crossing Mall. It had the best sale selection. When I was going to OSU, I went to the malls at least once a week.
I prefer a classic style too :) Timeless and classy!
Classic never goes out of style. There is always that saying! :) You look amazing. I love your style!
Love that your outfits are affordable and you actually wear them out!It's refreshing to see from someone who's thirfty herself :)
I don't think your style is boring at all! I appreciate "real world" outfits that help inspire me in day to day life. I really want your leggings! Guess I'll be visiting Gap soon :)
Love your style! I live in a small town too where the people don't feel the need to "get dressed". Love that you show you can still be chic while casual and comfortable.
One of the reason why I love your blog - 'You most certainly won’t see outfits that I put up just for this blog.'
I want your leggings!! I checked my local store and they dont have it in my size nor for that price!
Your blog is never boring. Your outfits are classic, effortless and most importantly affordable. I’m jealous that you always find wonderful deals.
OMG sydney those are some amazing deals you got there! love your blog and your style! it's very practical and effortless which is great for everyday.
btw thanks for the heads up about the ON sweater!
Nothing wrong with being classic or old-fashioned. Everyone has their own way of showcasing material. What matters is simply expressing yourself however you please no matter what anyone may dare criticize you for. I admire your old-fashioned and classy sense of style as well as your sweet demeanor. So do your thing, Sydney! :)
Nice use of dark colors here with the sweater offsetting the darker colors. You look great, Sydney! Well done.
Love those Gap leggings! and at that price!! Stay true to who you are :) I never find your outfits boring :) and always find some inspiration in them :)
Wow you really scored some great deals! Almost bought those leggingns but they only had my size in the more expensive colors. Oh and I love your classic style, keep staying true to yourself :)
Oh no. You have never seemed boring to me. Love this outfit. It's something I wear all the time. We need lots of layering here in Seattle.
I think this outfit is lovely, especially the blue pearls with your sweater!
I really like the petite blogging community because it feels like we are all here to help each other. I do not visit blogs primarily for the fashion, I just like talking to all you girls! And being alerted to a cute item or an awesome deal is always a plus! :)
thank u for posting this as i'm a new blogger and have recently discovered a world of discouragement relating to ur post.. i've met some of the sweetest people in this community and i've run across some snobby stuck up people as well..
i love ur clean classic style and i hope that u wont ever change it to please others! <3
I have been reading your blog since the very beginning and have always loved your classic- real life style. I couldn't agree with you more about staying true to yourself and actually wearing what you post.
I sometimes really wonder about if people really will wear that outrageous but cute outfit in real life. Everything I post- I literally wore to work or on the weekends.
You got amazing deals :)
Classic is definitely my preferred style as well.. love the outfit- cute, comfy and looks like it keeps you warm!
Hi Sydney! It's actually very refreshing to know you actually wear your outfits and not plan them just for the blog. Somehow I find it not genuine when bloggers do the latter. I'm sure your lil one is proud to have a mama who stays true to who she is.
Btw, I'm a happy owner of that Mossimo plaid shirt thanks to you!
I like that mint sweater against the darker red. Wish I could find deals like you can. I actually do check your blog for everyday wearable inspiration. I post outfits too that I wear to work or weekends that's why my pics on my post are usually indoors now (dark in the morn and when I go home). Thanks for keeping it real!
I love your classic style!
You've sumed up the reason why I LOVE your blog so much. N-E-V-E-R boring. You are the type of person I like having as a friend. Thanks for sharing. [Karen J]
Great pairing! Love the sweater, however, my J Crew store no longer carry my size :(
I love how your style is affordable!
I love this, Syd! Your style isn't boring at all. I love seeing you mix & match pieces at affordable prices. Always so jealous of the sales I see you tweet!
This looks great on you! Reminds me I need to pull out my Gap cords soon!
Thank you, everyone, for your kind words and support <3!
so jealous. you're legs look miles long!
i actually super love how classically chic you are!! you are so elegant!! and your style is so elegant i always think of jackie O when i visit your page hahaha. i heart your gorgeous grey sweater and those GORGEOUS grey pearls draped over it!!
Oh dear, love your pants... the whole outfit is awesome
You're so cute!!
p.s.- lets follow each other?
I'm from NY, I just found your blog and I think you're style is wonderful and timeless. I will definitely come by often for inspiration!
I didn't know that you were in Ohio! I think your style is far from boring, I love this outfit and how you mix colors + patterns. I agree with Lisa, you're very elegant :)
$20 for that sweater? And Jcrew? Amazing deal Sydney! I agree with your thoughts on blogging. I'm the same way. I don't post outfits as often as other do b/c to be honest my wardrobe isn't all that exciting LOL! And I tend to wear the same outfits, over and over again so unless you guys want to repeats week after week the outfit posts get spaced out quite a bit ;)
I have been hunting for maroon corduroy pants all season. Don't know how I missed these. I will definitely be picking a pair of these up.
cute outfit and boots!
love your blog!!
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