{Random outfit photos from 2012}
After 2 years of blogging, I think I have a pretty good idea of what this blog is all about. There are a few things I’d like to change in the near future. The first thing I’d like to change is my blog name. As stated above, when I first started blogging, I had no clue what I was doing. I knew I wanted to focus on petite fashion. For some odd reason, PetiteLittleGirl (PLG) was the first thing that came to mind. I never thought it would attract so many Google searches that I am pretty sure I wasn't the one who they searched for. I've put some thought into my new blog name lately. I am excited to announce that PetiteLittleGirl will soon become Sydney’s Fashion Diary. This time, I wanted something that was a bit more generic (fashion diary) with a personal twist (Sydney). Sydney’s Fashion Diary is a place for me to share my thoughts on fashion and style with like minded people. I know it’s not very creative but this will do for now. I am working on a new layout as well as changing the web address. Hopefully, everything will come together in the next few weeks.

{Random outfit photos from 2011}
The second thing I’d like to address is to answer the question that I've received from multiple readers - Will I continue to blog for the rest of my pregnancy? The original plan was to take a break from blogging until the baby is born. I don’t know how many of you would be interested in maternity wear and frankly, I don't have a wealth of knowledge when it comes to maternity clothes. However, after my pregnancy announcement, I received an incredible amount of comments/emails asking for maternity wear advice. It caught me completely by surprise. I'm touched and humbled by your kindness and support. Therefore, I decided to continue to blog during my last trimester. I won’t be blogging as often as I used to. Although, you probably have noticed that I was slowing down quite a bit lately. If I see something that worth mentioning, I will certainly share them here on this blog.

{Random outfit photos from 2010}
Sorry for the super wordy post. Pat yourself on the back if you actually read all of this. Trust me, I am pretty quiet in real life =) Again, I would like to thank each and everyone of you who follow me. This blog will not be the same without you. I truly appreciate your support and hope you will continue on the journey with me.
Much love,
Congrats on two years Sydney!
Congratulations on your two year! I like the new name and I'm glad that you will keep blogging during your pregnancy.
Awe Congrats on your 2 year Sydney! I really like your new blog name! Can't wait to read your journey thru your 2nd pregnancy:) And yes I did read the entire post..lol
Excited that you will be blogging through your 3rd trimester! I love belly bump photos and am looking forward to seeing your take on maternity wear.
Congratulations on your 2 years of blogging! I hope there will be many more :)
Congrats again on your pregnancy Sydney. And I am so happy that you decided to blog through your pregnancy - it's no easy feat and I commend you for it!
And happy 2-year blogiversary!
Happy blog-iversary and congratulations on your pregnancy!
The Tiny Heart
happy anniversary!! i love that you will be blogging during the 3rd trimester!! congratulations on all of your success!! xox P
Congrats on 2 years, Sydney! I'm excited to follow along your pregnancy journey and the future of your blog. Lots of good times ahead! :)
Hi Sydney, I've been following your blog for a few months now and I really enjoy it! Congrats on the baby! I know you'll come up with great ways to show that one can still be fashionable during a pregnancy! :) And congrats on the 2 years! As someone who is just starting out her blog, I can only imagine how dedicated you must be to keep a blog going successfully for that long!
Congratulations on two years!
Happy 2nd anniversary to this fine blog! If I've learned anything about you, you are 100% classy and real with your outfits and styles. I think you define "genuine" as a person and as a blogger. Even speaking as a male (not sure how many male readers view your content), I appreciate all of your outfit posts and what all you bring to blogging. I thought "PetiteLittleGirl" was a creative name to use online. Still, I'm very okay with "Sydney's Fashion Blog."
Keep up the great work with all that you do, Sydney!
Congratulations! I think it's a great idea to continue blogging through your pregnancy. Some of us will get there someday and will probably be completely clueless...I'd love to be able to dig around in your archives for advice!
Congratulations Sydney <3
I am glad that you will be sticking around! :) I am excited to see what your new layout will look like. :)
LOL! Was I really your 18th follower?? Wow, you've come a long way since then! Congrats!! BTW, I'd love to see you blog through your pregnancy. I know (not personally, of course) that it can be a challenge, but I think women would be interested in seeing that. Plus, I want to see your bump grow! And it would be fun to look back on it a few years from now! :D
Happy two years!! I'm actually surprised you remembered your 18th follower because it's such a random number to me! LOL I love your blog and will stay with you through the changes. Keep up the great work!
Congrats on everything! I know that when I started blogging, I had no clue what I was doing either! To some degree, I still don't ;) Beautygirl24 isn't exactly the best blog name, but I was 24 when I started and I wanted to blog about beauty products *and now fashion*. It's great that you will make these changes. It's your blog, do what you want! All of your readers will love it :)
A big CONGRATULATION on your pregnancy and the 2nd blogeversary!! Thanks for deciding to post through your pregnancy, cause the very thought that well be missing you for a good 9 months is so depressing! Take it easy, don't burden yourself too much but keep showing your face every once in a while- we'd love it!
Sydney - would be very helpful if you keep posting about maternity styles
I totally see that your photos improved. Change your blog name, blog design, but just make sure to let me know so I can follow that one!!! I loved PLG but times change, our lives change, and change is good :). Can't wait to see what happens here!! HAPPY 2 yr blogversary!
Congratulations on your pregnancy. Though I seldom comment, I do read your blog every now and then.
I think change is a good thing and yes, thanx for giving us the head ups on what's going to happen on your blog in the future.
congrats on your 2 years and pregnancy! i just got done being pregnant and i basically lived in cute non-maternity dresses over leggings. i was pregnant mostly through winter, so i wore tall black leather boots over the leggings. in the last month or so of my pregnancy, i really had to wear maternity stuff, though. i just got too big. also, i was saved in the bra department by buying cheap bras from target (they usually dont fit me cuz im like a 30DD, but did when i was preg since i was more like a 34D) and by buying bra extenders. hope that helps!
Congrats on your 2 years of blog journey! I agree about helping people out with maternity wear. When I was pregnant(2 years ago) it drove me crazy as the normal maternity wear was too big on me and the I had to look at other options which actually made me feel better and dress better than the frumpy maternity clothes!
Wow! 2 years already? Congratulations on everything...the 2 years of blogging, new blog name, and new addition to your family! So glad we'll get to see your adventures through your pregnancy. =)
Congratulations on two years of blogging!
Congratulations on two years! Love the new blog name - can't wait to see it once it's launched!
@Tami Thanks, Tami for those helpful tips. I will definitely keep them in mind for future reference.
@Cher Yes, you were =) Thanks for being a loyal reader for the past 2 years, Cher!
Congrats on 2 years Sydney! Looks like you and I both started blogging around the same time - my 2 years is tomorrow.
I'm excited for the new changes and I think it's great that you've decided to do maternity wear posts too. I'm not planning on having a baby anytime soon, but I'll still be tuning in for future knowledge :)
Congratulations on the baby and the 2 year anniversary!!
I'm excited for the new changes and I can't wait to see what you share the next few months!
Sydney - Congrats on the 2nd anniversary and the baby. As you know from me, blogging while pregnant can happen, but do what's best for you! It helped me focus on something else and I love fashion enough to keep doing it :) If you ever need anything let me know! Thanks for following me through my journey and look forward to following you.
Red Soles and Red Wine
Belated congrats on your second anniversary, and congrats again on the soon-to-be new addition! I am happy you're going to continue blogging during your pregnancy. I'm sure it'll be helpful for so many petite mamas-to-be, and I'll definitely be storing all that info away for the (distant) future.
Cheers to you, dear!
congrats on your two-year anniversary. :)
so glad i saw this post because i really do not like my blog name... and have been contemplating changing my name also... but unsure how to proceed. would you be able to help me if i emailed you how you successfully made the transition... with the new blog name... and whatever i need to know? i am sure you are busy... so no pressure...
have a great day!
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