September holds a special place in my heart. It's not only my birthday month, it's also our anniversary month. It's very important as you celebrate your marriage anniversary, to remember why you fell in love. This is the time to pause and reflect over the last years that you've been together. What makes our anniversary even more special this year is the birth of baby Madelyn. enough with the mushy stuff =) Let's talk about the fun stuff. Say hello to my birthday/anniversary/push present – The Chanel jumbo flap in caviar. By the way, the first time I heard “push present” was from the talented Sew Petite Gal. I had no idea what it was before but think it's a beautiful concept!

Even though, I've done fairly extensive research online before purchasing my first Chanel, there are a couple things I wish I had done differently.
1. Caviar vs. lambskin: I love the feel and texture of the lambskin but boy, it's hard to care for and scuff easily. I really don't baby my bags. I am a firm believer that luxury goods are there to be enjoyed, I just have to find ways to take more care of it. Caviar would be so much easier to take care of and also keeps its shape better than the lambskin.

2. Size: My first Chanel bag was a size small. I thought the small was going to be just fine. Turned out to be it was just a bit too small for my needs. The small flap could not even fit my wristlet and my phone. The jumbo, in the other hand, has lots of room to spare. It could easily fit my wristlet/phone/ipad and still has space for sunglasses and other stuff. The jumbo may be too big for some people but I love it (especially when my husband gave two thumbs up). Besides, I've always been a big bag kind of girl.

Small (top) vs. Jumbo (bottom)
As you can see, I still have my heart set on a classic flap with silver hardware. All in all, I love my new bag. Now, I can use the small flap for evenings and the jumbo one for daytime. What do I do today for my birthday? Absolutely, nothing! It just wouldn't be any fun to go out when you can't drink, can't wear high heels and can't wear pretty dresses. I am going to hold off my birthday celebration. Hopefully, I'll be able to go out and have a nice dinner with my husband and have a few drinks with my friends after the baby is here. BTW, she will be here very very soon =)

Have a great weekend!
SYD! This is an awesome present! I'm so happy for you. I still remember your hilarious post on your conversation with hubby about why Chanel bag is an investment not too long ago, now a jumbo? The jumbo will definitely more functional. It's bigger and the single flap vs. dual flap helps in terms of fitting more stuff in the bag. Caviar is def. the way to go. After I got my caviar m/l flap, I realized the same thing as you did. It's just way easier to take care of.
Happy Birthday, and enjoy the last few days with baby Madelyn tucked in you. :)
Lovely, timeless choice! Happy happy birthday Sydney! Mine was yesterday my "baby prada" has been ordered and will be with me at the end of Sep. Aren't we lucky ladies to have such sweet hubbies! Enjoy the rest of your day x
Two in one celebration is the happiest most especially if one of those is your wedding anniversary! Love your two in one present and I could not agree more with your thoughts about it.
Happy birthday!Have a great day with your love one and enjoy toting your new "baby". Wishing for your safe delivery as well.:)
Happy Birthday Syd! We are both Virgos then - I turned 30 on 9/5 =) We also didn't do anything to celebrate and I told hubby I didn't want any presents either so it was very low-key this year. I LOVE your present though, I've been dying for a Chanel since seeing it on so many bloggers but have not pulled the plug yet, can't wait to see you showcase it post baby!
Happy Birthday!!
Beautiful Chanels!! :) I recently got my jumbo and I debated back and forth about caviar vs lambskin since I already have a GST in caviar. But in the end, I realized I couldn't worry too much over lambskin so I stuck with caviar. I'm glad I did. :)
Hope you have a great weekend!
xo - Sheila
Giveaway on my blog!
Happy Birthday!
Ahhh, happy birthday and happy anniversary! This is just the perfect present for all 3 occasions... a timeless and classic bag for the 3 most important events in your life! :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
I don't know where to start. First, happy birthday! Another year older = another year wiser :)
Second, EEP! Another new Chanel is always exciting! I personally prefer caviar on larger bags to hold its shape too, so great choice. Can I ask if you bought brand new? Because I've heard bags from the classic collection now comes in these sturdy magnetic lock type boxes, which sound much more befitting considering how much Chanel costs nowadays.
Third, I hope you're doing well in the last stages of your pregnancy, Syd. Sending warm wishes your way!
PS - It makes sense to have two Chanels to pass down to your two daughters, right? There's no need for them to fight ;)
happy birthday : ) !! that's a pretty cool concept - a push present. i can't wait hehe and we should definitely go out and catch you up on the glam and the drinks afterwards
Happy birthday and anniversary! I like Cee's you have two to pass down! :) Madelyn gets dibs on the large once since it symbolizes her arrival. :)
well your birthday is my ten year anniversary! And great push present!
Happy Birthday & Happy anniversary! It is such a beautiful present for everything!
Happy Birthday Sydney! And congrats on your jumbo! What an amazing present! So happy for you! I totally agree - caviar is the only way to go. Lambskin is so buttery soft. My first two Chanel's are caviar and should have stuck with that. This is very versatile size and can't wait to see her in action! YAY!
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! So many great things to celebrate this month! And ooh, what a fabulous push present! I can't wait to see you model this beauty :)
Did you wind up choosing Madelyn's birth date?
Happy belated birthday! And congrats on the beautiful bag :) You'll be able to go out and celebrate soon enough, so excited for you! I hope you share your experience, its always so enlightening to read (that sounds funny, but you know what i mean!)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and Happy Anniversary too! Wow, what an exciting month for you! Gorgeous new bag, although I'm biased because I have the same one. :) You will get a ton of use out of it!
xo Jenny
@Vicky Thanks, Vicky! We all know that we can't stop at just one Chanel. Although, I won't be thinking about another one for a very long time =)
Happy birthday! Wow. What a fantastic set. You deserve it.
That is gorgeous! What an awesome purchase. I love Chanel.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Happy bday! AMAZING bag :) I like the caviar better too.
What an awesome push present!!! Amazing!!!!!!!!! Good luck!
Wow, what a beauty. Good for you that your husband can appreciate a nice handbag; my Mr. wrinkles his nose at anything above $100. Oh men... I hope to see it in outfit posts in the near future - shame not to use it to its full extent.
Happy Birthday!! Those are some sexy bags!
aww LOVE :) congrats! she's such a beaut!!! and yes i agree with you i definitely get way more use out of my jumbo's than any other size.. sometimes i even find the jumbo to be a bit small haha..
happy birthday hon!! :)
Oh my, what a gift! I have the same bags! Happy birthday to you!! xx
Wowwww, what a beaty! I'm so jealous!
Yay! Congrats Sydney! We are bag twins :) I love my Chanel jumbo, as it holds a special meaning and let's face it - it may very well be my one and only Chanel. I think the caviar was a great choice! Although I agree that the lambskin looks and feels divine, it scratches so easily and loses its shape. The caviar is so sturdy. I definitely need to stop babying mine! Congrats on everything, and happy birthday from a fellow Virgo :)
Both are super beautiful :)
love love loveeee!! lil jealous over here! happy birthday sydney and also happy anniversary! yay for sharing the same birthday and anniversary month!!! this is a huge huge month for you guys since you will see your baby girl soon
Beautiful purse! I've never even heard of the "push present" term. Good to know. =)
Awesome birthday present!! :) I'm still saving up for my first Chanel bag. :)
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