As 2016 is coming to an end, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for still following me. I know I haven't put a lot of effort into this blog. I started this blog in 2009 while going though a difficult time in my life. Never thought I'd still be running it 7 years later. I've seen the good, the bad and the ugly of blogging. I am still here because I still love fashion and photography but the passion just isn't there anymore. Earlier this year, I started writing handbag reviews and got many positive feedback from you. Some of you said you enjoy my handbag chit chat posts because they're informative and helpful. I put a lot of effort into those posts and the number of views definitely reflect that. With that being said, I won't be blogging regularly anymore. I have a couple of personal goals that I want to put my time and energy towards. I have so many ideas for this blog but they require a tremendous amount of time. Between working full time, taking care of my 2 girls and family, I just don't have that kind of time. To keep up with the schedule (3 times per week), I put out posts that require little to no effort and I wasn't happy doing so. By slowing down, I am hoping to find joy in blogging again. I haven't figured out what I want to do yet but hopefully I will soon.

{Outfit details: Bebe dress *very flattering, runs big, wearing a XXS* | Banana Republic shoes *no longer available, similar here* | Michele watch | Anatasia lipstick in pure Hollywood}
- Surprised my husband with a trip to Alaska and we had the best time
- My oldest girl started middle school (where did the time go?)
- Got my ultimate dream bag (still can't believe it)
- Took a family trip to Dominican Republic for the first time
- The youngest started pre-kindergarten. She is doing and adjusting well.
- Traveled with my parents to SF for my cousin's wedding. My parents don't get to travel often so it makes me feel great when I have a chance to take them places.
- My Dad is finally retired at the age of 76 (he's the hardest working man I know)
I don't have a new year's resolution as I believe we should always strive to be the best version of ourselves. One word I want to practice this year is to slow down - ok maybe two words =). I am always rushing from one thing to the next. I always say things like "hurry", "we gotta go", "are you done yet?" to my girls without even realizing it. This year, I want to try my best to slow down, be more present, and just enjoy the moment. My life isn't always glamorous or Instagram-worthy but I wouldn't have it any other way. 2016 was a good year but I have a feeling that 2017 is going to be a great year for us. I am ready to say goodbye to 2016 and start 2017 with a positive mindset. Wishing you good health, happiness, and success in the coming year and always. Happy New Year!
Good luck with your goals! Also that dress looks amazing on you!
I enjoy blogging more now that I don't feel the need to do it regularly. I might completely stop next year, not sure. I've enjoyed seeing your blog over the years, tho!
I've been a long reader and first time commenter today. I am so bummed you are not going to blog anymore! You one of the most relatable bloggers out there. I find your blog fun, inspirational, and informative. I hope the best for you!!! Please consider coming back...
@Oregon fan Your comment made my day/week. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a lovely comment. I am not quitting blogging altogether. I am just slowing down and hopefully will produce more quality blog posts. Please hang in there with me. Happy New Year!
@Amber @ Thanks, Amber! That's my goal. I wish you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy and the birth.
Hooray! I'll be stalking your blog often for updates. Please know that you have many readers (like me) who are rooting for your success. Happy New Year to you as well!
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