Happy Monday, everyone! Today, I have an exciting handbag review for you. There is no secret that I love designer handbags. However, they come with a hefty price tag. We all know that spending thousands of dollars on a designer handbag is not always possible. However, you definitely do not have to spend that ridiculous amount of money for a well-made handbag. Exceptional quality and craftmanship contemporary handbags do exist. One of the brands that come to mind is Coach. A leather Coach bag is just as nice as a Louis Vuitton bag but for a fraction of the cost. Teddy Blake is also a great brand that worth looking into. I've reviewed quite a few Teddy Blake bags. Out of all the bags I've reviewed thus far,
the Ava is my number one favorite. My opinions
in this post still ring true. I still love the bag and wholeheartedly recommend it. The one that I reviewed in that post is
the Ava 11". I rarely buy multiple versions of the same item but this bag is an exception. Since I love the bag so much, I wanted to own the 9" version as well as the tiny 6" version
because why not?
First up is
the 9" Ava in pink. Not generally a pink girl but I love this subtle shade of pink for Spring. The gorgeous pebbled leather gets me every time. While the 11" version is great for work, the 9" version is perfect for every day use. If you're on the petite side, the 9" version is the perfect size for you. It's not too big but not too small either. All Ava bags come with an adjustable shoulder bag which I appreciate. It's a great classic!
If you are into luxury bags, you might have noticed micro bags are becoming the trendiest accessory.
Jacquemus is the brand that started it all. Even though I love the textured leather, I purposely chose the smooth leather to review. Just as expected, the smooth leather is just as gorgeous as the pebbled leather.
The Ava 6" is absoluately adorable in person. Please keep in mind that it's tiny. It will not fit an iPhone. It will fit your cards, a lipstick and your key. Sure, micro bags are tiny but they're the perfect size if you're a minimalist. Also, I was thinking if you have a little girl, these coordinating handbags would be perfect for a mother-daughter duo. Out of 3 sizes, the 9" is my favorite. Whether I am dressed super casual or dressy, the Ava bag is the perfect accessory. It's classic, timeless and elegant!

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