Just a quick post today to say Happy Anniversary to my little blog. I have joined blogger on 05.12.2010 and today marks 3 months....
I just want to thank each and every one of you for following my blog and leaving me comments. I have met amazing ladies on here. You guys are my inspirations. My first 3-month of blogging has been amazing. Blogging is not only provides great opportunities for me to interact with a wider set of people who shares the same interest, but also improving my writing skills and reading habits.
This is typical me in the morning, sitting at my reading corner and catching up with bloggers
When I first started blogging, hubby afraid blogging will influence my purchase decisions. Another word, he afraid I am going to purchase every single thing you ladies have mentioned on your blogs. That's not completely true! I have to admit that I am pretty good at control myself from shopping habits. One major advantage of blogging for me is that I feel like I am much more educated when it comes to shopping. I wear more fitted clothes since I discovered more petite-friendly brands that I haven't known before. I am more particular about what I should buy and what I shouldn't buy. On top of that, I save money on my purchases by checking out the best bargains and deals from other blogs.
From time to time, I have to remind myself to be true to my interests and passions. All in all, blogging isn't a job. It's a place to relax, have fun, sharing the experiences and make new friends. Blogging is so much fun if used correctly!

Happy 3 month anniversary!!! Wow, only 3 months, I would've sworn you're a seasoned pro!
Thanks for all the inspiring outfits and ideas :)
Happy three-month anniversary. (raise imaginary champagne glass), here's to many more.
hehe funny you mentioned that, I think blogging has made me spend more money on clothes and beauty stuff seeing other people have it haha. happy 3 month anniversary!
happy 3 months anniversary Sydney :)
Glad you're enjoying blog :) I do see some people who are easily influenced by others, or who use blog as a place to seek approval from others.. which I think is not so healthy. So I'm glad to see that you're not one of them! It's fun for me as well! Here's to many more months of blogging!
THREE MONTHS?? And you have 112 Followers? Wow. Very impressed.
Happy 3 months! I can't believe you haven't been blogging that long with all the followers you have. Good job on the PR end of things.
Congrats and keep up the good work! I love that photo of you curled up on the most comfy looking chair ever. I always know when to expect your comments...6 or 7ish in the morning and assumed you were at work already. It's nice to see you're comfortably at home in your corner.
Thanks everyone! I am thrilled to have many supporters on here
@PAG: I love having that chaise in my bedroom. It’s the perfect for reading and weekend naps because I don’t like messing up my bed :-). I catch up with everyone because I go to work cuz I can’t comment at work (except my own blog and I don’t know why). Darn you firewall!
congrats on 3 months!
love your comfy chair. i'm glad that you're not easily influenced and that you have your own ideas. you should always stick to what's true to you.
Wow, you have only been blogging for 3 months?! Congratulations! I swear your postings make it sound like you have been blogging for ages!
Awe.....contrats!!!! I'm glad you joined the blogging community!! :)
Congrats! It feels like you've been blogging longer! =)
Congrats on the three months! I joined Blogger back in January, but didn't really get into blogging more until May/June. Being a petite myself, I love blogs like yours! Blogging really is a fun experience. : )
Congrats and I also love that chaise! Have always wanted to have one in the bedroom to curl up on, but my apartments have always been too small :\
Congrats! Great shot of you "in action". You've been a great contribution to the petite fashion blogging community! Keep up the good work =)
Happy Anniversary! Love that picture of you get caught in a moment of blogging. Your blog is informative and you are not afarid to go outside the box by trying out those new brands. Can't wait to see more and more.
congrats on 3 months :) isn't the blogging community a wonderful place? i've learned so much and developed my own sense of style more - far from my fears of becoming a total groupie haha
Happy Blogiversary!
Congrats, Sydney. May 12 is my birthday :). I've enjoyed getting to know you in the past few months. You always have my support in this tiny community of ours :).
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying blogging! And I know what you mean about remembering that blogging is for relaxation and enjoyment. We all started this because we have a love for fashion and should keep that at the heart of it. It's so funny how your hubby thought blogging would influence you, hehe :)
Happy Friday!
Blogging does show you so much is out there that is fitted just to your needs. Blogging definitely influences what I buy, but not how much I buy, you know? And I can't believe it's only been 3 months~ good for you! You seem very professional and your blog has grown a lot in a short amount of time.
I stumbled across your blog from PAG and I also can't believe it's only been three months! Your blog is really professional and I would've thought you've been doing it for at least a year. Also, I am glad you are using it for personal growth. Your blog is in my petite bookmarks section and I look forward to updates. :)
congratulations! :)
happy anniversary to your blog! :)
I definitely enjoy visiting :) Keep on writing such fun posts! :)
Congrats! Sorry this comment is late. I am soo happy you joined the petite blogging community! You and many others have got me into wearing clothes that fit and that are petite friendly. Although I started out on beauty on my blog I definitely catch myself wanting to blog about petite friendly clothing. Hehehe!
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