I hope the week is going well for everyone. This week has been hectic for me. The company that I work for is having a major software release next week and that means there are deadlines to follow. Speaking of work, I have an upcoming business trip in Washington, DC. Do I have any readers from DC? I’d love to hear from you in term of where to shop/eat and places to visit near White House.
Little one has started kindergarten for a month and it’s in full blown. I have activities book/stories/newsletters to read every night. Just a funny story I’d like to share with you guys. Her teacher hides a “secret” word in her newsletters that she sent home every day. She’ll ask her students the very next day what the secret word is to ensure parents read her newsletters. Tricky huh? Kelly, you can use this trick for your newsletters. I am just kidding! I read your newsletters regardless and I enjoy reading them. I am sure everyone does too.
BB Dakota Owen Skirt (size 0)
Anyway, just a quick post today to show you my recent purchase from PLNDR.com. I am relatively new to this site. Unlike other popular sample sale sites such as Hautelook, Gilt, Ideeli, Ruelala, BeyondTheRack, items for sale on PLNDR are very limited. You probably are never going to see brands such as Gucci, Theory and other designers on there. When they have items on sale, they’re such bargains and unbelievably cheap. Shipping is much faster than Hautelook. I discovered PLNDR through Elle @ FFFF. Thanks Elle for recommendations!

BB Dakota Kendra Skirt (size 0)
I wanted to do a quick post today because small sizes are still available on PLNDR. Click here for the invite if you need one. Those skirts are still full-priced at karmaloop.com. Also, they’re having Free People on sale tomorrow which I am very interested in. I know how much Ping @ AllAboutFashionStuff loves Free People. Their stuff always look great on her. See this same skirt on Elle
I will do a review on those skirts next week when I get a bit of free time for myself. If you have any experiences with PLNDR or this brand, please share. Have a great week, everyone!

What a cute idea about the hidden word - it sounds like you have more work than she does!
As for things to do in DC - I'd say visiting the Smithsonian museums if you like that type of thing. There are TONS of them all arranged all together, so it's easy to go from one to the next.
There are also tons of places to eat... I don't have any specific recommendations, but you'll definitely be able to find restaurants and cafes!
Shopping is kind of spread out. I know there are Ann Taylors and Banana Republics and H&Ms throughout the city... If you want some higher end shopping with cheaper stores thrown in, check out Georgetown! There's a lot to do there, shopping and eating :)
I believe Elle from fastfoodandfastfashion bought the same tiered skirt as well! I'll be looking forward to your reviews...
Oh! If you are in the mood for something fast-foody I would suggest Good Stuff Eatery. OMG, they have the most delicious burgers evaaaah.
Thanks for the shout-out, I am on cloud nine now (I can now cross off "getting mentioned on PLG's blog" from my bucket list). :)
Karmaloop and PLNDR are actually connected. PLNDR is the outlet site for Karmaloop. :)
I was just in DC about two months ago?! I went with my parents who never got to go to DC for pleasure (they used to go for work but only briefly and really rushed). I took them on this bike tour (called bike the sites), they put you on bikes and you can sign up for different tours (we went on the memorials tour where they took us to all the presidential and war memorials). And a lot of entertainment in DC is free...I went to the national zoo and saw pandas. You can also go to the botanical gardens if you are into that type of stuff.
And since I am a huge fan of the show "Man Vs. Food", I went to the places that the host went to on the show. You can google for information about those restaurants.
the amber lace skirt looks so nice! I love lace on white. it just seems to elegant.
Excellent haul...I'm looking forward to your review!
wow you got so much stuff!! i can't wait to see that lace white skirt on you. it's definitely my fave out of the bunch.
LOL. A secret word huh? Little one's Kindergarten teacher just might be on to something! =)
Hmm...I've never tried PLNDR before. I'll take a look!
What if Mommy doesn't read the newsletter, and Little One goes to school without knowing the secret word? Does Mommy get sent to the corner? :)
The skirts ALL look very cute, and I can't wait for your review. Take care and good luck on your busy schedule.
Oooo...I am excited to see all these on you and your thoughts on them!!!!
Great picks too!
Looking forward to the reviews!
Busy mama. I can't imagine how much more busy I'll be when my daughter goes to school. Well at least it won't be for another 2-3 years (phewww!)
Those skirts look very nice. Can't wait to see them on you.
I've been wanting that lace skirt since I saw it on Jen! Not enough to give the size 2 a try though... so glad it fits on you! Can't wait to see how everything looks.
i love that lace skirt! it's so romantic
I like the kendra shirt, or actually, I just love BB dakota, too bad I always have to other it online, as they don't sell it here in the Netherlands!
Here's my Plndr invite:
do you by any chance know any promo codes or rep codes i can use on plndr?
PLNDR Coupon Code: SAKO94
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