I still haven’t figured out how to fix my personal laptop yet. I’ve been using my work laptop for a week now. It’s a temporary solution since I don’t want to put too much personal stuff on work laptop. Much to my surprise, hubby brought home an Ipad 2. He said “ I can’t bear the fact that you don’t have a laptop. I know how much you love your blog” =) I think he was just trying to find an excuse to get an iPad. Whatever the reasons, I am not going to argue. How could you say no to this little gadget, right?

Other than downloading a bunch of educational apps for little one (word bingo, anyone?), I haven’t really had time to play with it yet. Does anyone have any apps/tips that they would recommend or share?
P.S: Last day to enter my giveaway for a chance to win a $30.00 gift code to Stella & Dot! Winner will be announced tomorrow!
You have the white iPad! I am endlessly jealous, as I always have to borrow my brothers! Enjoy it x
The Internet Garbage
awww so sweet of your husband! i love new toys. hope you're having fun with it!
*iPhone...Hooray for iPad2! Wish I could share some apps with you unfortunately I too have none, except basic apps, no games though, my tot will have to use the iPhone for that!
I'm terrified with rides too even kiddie rides, just the sight of them makes me nauseous!
Awe...so sweet of your hubby! I couldn't live w/out my ipad:) I would download flipboard (great way to read blogs) and twitter for the ipad is super user friendly :)
Your husband always seems to be so thoughtful! (I love real-life "Happily Ever After's" ;) Congratulations on the upgrade!!
Love it! Your hubby is too sweet. : ) White gadgets are the sexiest. Other educational apps - Bookworm and Scramble. Little one might enjoy Tappi Bear - very cute app with a bunch of mini games. Fruit Ninja, Cooking Mama, and Doodle Jump are all child-friendly games.
Fatbooth is a hilarious photo-taking app!
So Sweet! Love love love the iPad :)
Congrats on the new iPad! Hubby loves his and I only use it to watch Netflix but I know he downloaded some bilingual apps to teach our son Cantonese and Mandarin.
Glad to hear you had a good time @ Kings Island!
Yay..iPad, Congratulations on your high tech toy! I don't own a laptop nor an iPad becase I know I'll be glue to the screen if I ever get one of those. Somehow I feel like I need time away from these technologies.
awww, hubby is so sweet! you'll love the ipad 2. i had the ipad 1 and my hubby and i always fight over who gets to use it, lol.
cute & little
Etta Grace Giveaway for flower poufs and blossoms!
ooohh ipad! the white is so gorgeous, im obsessed with gadgets hehe
Very thoughtful! Glad you enjoyed your trip! Lol! I am no fun when it comes to rides...there are very few roller coasters I will step foot on! ;p
Congrats on the iPad!
Angry Birds, Cut the Rope & Slice it! are fun games for both adults & kids.
Instagram is a fun photo filter one & you can upload pictures right to Facebook or Twitter.
The H&M and ShopStyle apps are nice when it comes to fashion.
In settings, there's a place where you can set parental controls so your little one doesn't accidentally download or delete something.
It works with the iPad too in case you lose or the device gets stolen. =D
@Really Petite Sounds like Flipboard app is the way to go for reading blogs =). Thanks Annie! I'll download it tonight.
@The Little Dust Princess Thanks Jessy for your recommendations. Bookworn sounds very interesting!
@SewPetiteGal Bilingual apps sound like a good idea too. I'll have to check them out!
@Nicole Those are great advices! I already downloaded Angry birds, Cut the rope and Slide it apps for her. I thought about setting up a passcode for it so she won't be able to get in when we're not around. However, little one is pretty good at listening to us so I don’t think it’s necessary at the moment =)
Aw that's soooo sweet of him! how awesome that you can just bring the ipad with you to pool or put it in your purse..and use it whenever!!!!
Words with Friends..Im so addicted to it:D
Aw you're boyfriend is too sweet! :*) I want one so much!! lol!It's such a beautiful piece of technology if ya ask me :*)
p.s. love your blog! come visit mine if you get a chance..
xoxo, Ally
This little toy is amazing, except I barely find the time to make use of it. It's great for reading blogs and viewing fashion magazines + styles.
Definitely should download Style.com App because it's super easy to navigate and it's great for viewing the runway shows (videos especially!)
Also, get Pulse Pad. You can pretty much categorize your favourite topics (Fashion, art, food, news, education). It's really great and the best part, they automatically update after opening the tab :)
how sweet! iPad's are the best! xo
@simplyvonne I love Words with friends =)
At first, I thought your iPad was pink. I was insanely jealous! But you have a white one! I have one too :D! Yay twinsies ! :)
what a great hubby! :) I love my iPad, in fact hubs and I loved it too much that I bought a 2nd one so we didn't have to share. LOL. It's so handy, I keep my recipes on it and use it in the kitchen with a stand I bought from the apple store.
If you use Google Reader to read your blogs, MobileRSS is the best RSS reader for your iPad. I rarely read blogs on my laptop now.
i love this pics.
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