What I am wearing:
Denim: Ruehl *the brand is no longer available* (buy similar)
Chambray shirt: Hollister *old* (buy similar)
Sweater: H&M - size XS (buy similar)
Boots: Steve Madden (buy similar)
Purse: Burberry smoked check satchel in tan
Necklace: c/o LYLIF (enter my giveaway for this necklace here)

Enjoy your Sunday!
Cute! I love ripped jeans still!
I think the ripped jeans look great on you, Sidney! And I don't think you're too old to wear them either (not that you are even CLOSE to being old!) :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
The Tiny Heart
i dont think there's an age where you can wear them! you paired them beautifully.
love the boots. http://www.hotcelebration.com
You are too adorable and I love your hair up in a bun!
They still look fabulous on you! Being a Mom has not altered your figure at all - I'm envious! :D You are far from being too old for ripped jeans. I think as long as they fit and look good, who's to say there's an age to stop?
I still like the ripped jeans look but I haven't worn mine for years now either. I'm struggling with the age thing and I also have come to love skinny jeans so much that I don't ever want to wear my flare leg pants because I feel like the make me look shorter.
Hmm... maybe mid-40s is too old? I don't know. If you pair it with something toned down, like what you did, I don't see why it can't work at any age. Also, I'm not sure how old you are, but I'm 29, and I don't EVER worry about whether or not I'm too old for something. Maybe it's because I don't have kids.
As long as you can carry it off.. I dont think age has to do something with it.. You look good!
Lol...I don't know how old is too old but I've been wanting a pair myself! Love the outfit you put together around them :)
I'm 32 and I own 2 pairs of ripped jeans. I only wear them in the summer on weekends. Maybe when I'm over 35 I'll stop wearing them. =)
Fashion knows no age =) They look great on you my dear! Distressed jeans are a comfy look that anyone can sport while on vaca or just lounging around. I draw the line at distressed minis and cropped shirt though - for me at least! My muffin top and love handles can't handle it!
As long as they fit and you aren't wearing them to work, rock the distressed jean!
I had the same question a few months ago, but told myself, "what the heck, life's too short! if I want to wear distressed jeans I will" lol. I'm glad you saved this pair -- looks so comfy!
I'm still in college, so I love distressed jeans, but I think anyone can wear them, as long as they dress them up to be more age-appropriate!
Didn't think Chambray and denim would look good together.
Your pairing looks amazing!
I'm down with the distressed jeans for a nice casual look as long as they are not "too distressed." I think those jeans would be great rolled up for the warmer months too!
so well put together <3
Love Stripes! =) you look great!
i just discover your blog... and i´m already following you :D
Love it*
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I dont think I own any at the moment since all my old ones are way way wayyyy too small for me. I was a tiny girl in college lol I wont mind having a couple to run errands though. I would still wear them!
There's no outfit I love more than a dressed up pair of broken in/ripped jeans! You look amazing (one of my favorites from you)! www.casualglamorous.com
As usual, you look really nice! I own three chambray shirts yet I rarely wear any of them because I'm not sure how to pair them properly and make it work for me. You are totally rocking this look!
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