First of all, thank you so much for your kind words on my last post. You guys sure know how to make me feel good =). To be honest with you, I haven’t done anything trying to lose weight. I am very fortunate that I am one of those lucky people who have a fast metabolism. I gained 25 pounds with my first pregnancy. I left the hospital with only 5 pounds left to lose. I eventually lost all of my baby weight within 3 weeks.

What I am wearing:
Jacket: Ann Taylor - size 0P (buy similar)
Pants: Old Navy Rockstar denim - size 2
Shoes: Target suede wedges (buy similar)
Tee: H&M - size 4 (buy similar)

With my second pregnancy, I have gained 20 pounds. I was 98 lbs pre-pregnancy. I was 118 lbs right before I delivered. After I came home from the hospital, I weighted 113 lbs. I wasn't disappointed but surprised. I thought for sure I would lose more than 5 lbs. I have been told it's harder to lose weight after your second baby compared to the first. Surprisingly, I dropped 1 lb a day for the past 2 weeks. I weighted myself this morning and I am currently at 103 lbs. I still have 5 more pounds to lose but I am in no hurry to lose my baby weight. To answer your questions about weight loss – I did nothing - no diet, no exercise! All credits go to breastfeeding and a good metabolism.

I gave birth to baby Madelyn via a C-section and it was incredibly tough on me. I have never experienced that much pain in my life. I was basically begging for pain meds for the first 2 weeks. This is the first week that I'm finally off the pain meds. Exercise is out of the question even if I want to. My body may weigh what it did pre-pregnancy but it certainly doesn't look or feel like it did. My OB told me to wait at least 6 weeks after surgery to start an exercise routine. I will certainly share my tips when I am up for it.

Sydney, I love that jacket! I want one. Was it a recent purchase?
You look great too. You lost the weight so quick and so lucky you didn't have to do anything.
You really are one of the lucky ones when it comes to metabolism. :) You look great now and I really don't see the difference between your photos now and your pre-pregnancy photos.
And I am really looking forward to your outfit feels great to have your entire wardrobe at your disposal again, doesn't it? :)
i love this outfit. i just love outfits that seem easy and effortless but fashionable. makes it more relatable.
Awww you're so lucky on dropping off the baby pounds so fast! I don't know how my body will be whenever I get preggers. I hate to find out. haha..
Lovely outfit!! I love the red jeans with the jacket. Very pretty. :)
xo - Sheila
Lucky you Sydney! You look lovely and those red pants look so good on you.
I lost my baby weight within 3 weeks of delivery and was 5 pounds lighter than what I weighed pre pregnancy. But my abdomen never got back to its tight and flat self :( Thats my oly woe!
@PingThanks, Ping! Unfortunately, the jacket is not new :( I purchased it last year
Can I first say that you look amazing post baby! I love that jacket, it's so cute. :)
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
nice outfit! love the red
That jacket is awesome! Looks great with red. :)
Glad to hear you are not in pain anymore! That sounds rough! :/
Old clothes maybe, but still VERY CURRENT. You look great and am so jealous of your high metabolism! You LOOK GREAT!
Love the jacket on you! And I'm glad to hear you're doing well now. : )
Love your jeans and jacket. You look lovely dear.:)
you look fabulous, sydney and i'm so happy to see you dropping the baby weight so quickly!
recovering from c-sections takes a while - had them for both the boys, so don't rush to start exercising too soon. your body needs to heal and recover! hugs to you and baby madelyn.
xox P
phiphi's blog
I gained 40 lbs with Kaylee!! haha I ate so much during my pregnancy and I still havent been able to lose it all yet. :( and she's almost 2!!! im jealous of your fast metabolism!
I gained 40lbs during pregnancy. I never paid any attention to the weight gain. At the last minute, I had to go with an unscheduled C-section. Except for the first morning, the pain was bearable. I was worried that it would be painful once I finished my meds but I was fine. On the fourth day, my husband and I went for a walk about town (about a mile). I felt fine but my nurse friend told me that was not advisable. She said it may have helped that I was a runner so I healed much faster. As for the weight, I lost it quite quickly too via breastfeeding. The only thing I cannot undo is the extra skin -- very small Mama + very big baby.
You're looking good! Congratulations on the baby and losing the weight.
You look great Sydney. Loving the red pants. I too cannot wait to be able to wear normal clothes again but it might be a while for me. I gained 18lbs so fair and still have 8 more weeks to go. Take it easy and get lots of rest!
Hi Sydney,
I have been a reader for a long time but I felt the need to write to you this time because 1) I'm a breastfeeding momma too (10 months and going!) 2) with genetics and breastfeeding, I have lost my pregnancy weight as well and even more! You look great.I had some pretty rough days postpartum as well and I'm not sure whether it was linked to me breastfeeding or not but I'm glad I no longer feel that way. I'm here if you ever need any support! YAY to all breastfeeding mothers!
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