For this week's handbag chit chat, I wanted to do a quick review on this Prada Cuir Double bag. We purchased this bag in September as a gift for my birthday. I've been looking for a tote to add to my handbag collection for quite some time. A few years ago, the Prada Lux tote was (and still is?) very popular. I like the bag for the most part but feel like the style is too dressy for my lifestyle. I liked it but wasn't enough to make a splurge. I ended up getting the Tory Burch Robinson tote as an alternative but eventually found a new home for it because again, the style of the bag didn't fit my lifestyle. I work in IT without interact with clients so the style of the bag is too formal for work and it doesn't work as a weekend bag for me, either.
- It's super low maintenance. The saffiano leather is durable and the bag itself doesn't seem to lose its structure over time (one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to handbags)
- This bag comes in 3 sizes: mini, small and medium. I have the medium and it has more than enough room to carry everything you need and then some. Measurements: 13½” (W) x 10″ (H) x 6.5″(D)
- It has a snap flap pocket in the middle for small items such as your phone or wallet (there are no other pockets or storage inside the bag). The flap was designed to provide some organization to the inside and also helps the bag hold its shape
- It comes with a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap. I wear it on the last hole and the strap length is just right on someone my height (5'2")
- The handles have a little strap that you can snap to keep the handles close together for added security
- I love the fact that it has some structure without being too stiff like the Lux tote
- Because the lining is made of lambskin leather, I have to be careful with pointy objects such as keys or pens. Eventually, I want to get this key holder for my bags
- To be completely honest with you, I do think the bag is a tad big for my frame. I haven't come across this color in a size small. I don't even know if it's available. However, I am OK with the size as it's meant to be a big tote.
I hope you find this review helpful. If you have any questions regarding the bag, feel free to leave me a comment below. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
I have been lusting after this bag forever! Loved reading your review--it's absolutely gorgeous!
Great review and beautiful bag!
beautiful bag and great review!
cute & little
Love the color. I'm getting mine in the small size and I decided on the caramel with red interior. So exited!! Great review!
Can you wear this as a shoulder bag? The handles look like they may be just a tad too small to do so comfortably.
Yes, you can. The strap is adjustable.
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