I am feeling rather uninspired lately. I'm not exactly sure why. Maybe it's because of my busy work schedule or just because of the unpredictable weather. Sometimes I just want to throw on whatever I can grab out of my closet in the morning and walk out the door. This is just one of those uninspired outfits. There is nothing special about it. I do try and give a glimpse into what I am wearing most days. I love showing off my latest finds and styling abilities but in reality, that is not always the case. One thing about this outfit that worth mentioning is the price tag of this skirt. I picked it up last month at a Banana Republic outlet store and paid a grand total of $3.49 for it (was $69.95). Size 0R was, of course, too big on me. For $3.49, I wanted to take it home and try to shrink it. After 2 attempts, I successfully shrunk this skirt to the size I want it to be at =)
What I am wearing:
Skirt: BR oulet store - size 0R (buy similar
Cardigan: Express - size XS - really old (buy similar
Necklace: J.Crew glass pearl necklace (buy longer version
Shoes: Talbots chunky heel city sandals (buy

i dont know how everyone is finding these great deals! i've been feeling sort of blah, too. I think it definitely comes with working too much. if i dont pick out my outfit the night before i usually end up wearing scrubs all day, or black pants and some top (accessory free:/)
I know what you mean when you say that sometimes inspiration does not come easy. Regardless of you feeling uninspired, I think this outfit looks amazing on you! I love the gem colors... the royal blue and yellow are so pretty!
WOW! $3ish for a skirt at BR! Now thats a deal :-) You look nice. if you look this good no inspiration is also ok :)
Uninspired or not you still look lovely. What a deal for the skirt! And I thought I was getting it good when I walked away with my new BR silk skirt for $25.
Even uninspired, you still look lovely, Sydney. No bigger fan of blue than myself. The blue and white colors are lovely,and the yellow sandals are a nice diversion. Hope all is well with you. Keep up the fine work with PetiteLittleGirl! :)
regardless i still love this outfit! the blue cardigan is beautiful. and what a steal for that skirt!!
I agree with Wendy..these colors are amazing on you!
$3 is definitely worth a try to see if it will shrink! So glad it worked out for you!
Sorry about the AT shoes already gone from my post! :(
i'm totally in love with these colors! and the little buttons on the cardi sleeves are a great touch.
The blue is an amazing color for you! And you spiced it up with the yellow heels....totally cute!
@Michelle It's OK, Michelle =) Thank you so much for the heads-up!
you always find really good deals! I definitely know what you mean..there are days where I just put on whatever I could find or just wear jeans with plain shirt for work.
This outfit is definitely not plain! i love the color of the cardigan.
Just $4...??? That's a great deal...
Smokey Eyes with Lakme
I think this is a great outfit. It's simple but still interesting since you paired it with yellow shoes. You don't awlays have to look like an outfit took a lot of effort. In fact sometimes when and outfit is effortless that's the appeal of it!
I like how you mix the color together! love the color of the shoes. Very subtle.
I think we all go to that phase and sometimes less is more. Your outfit has all the basic elements but the way you mix the colors turn this into something inspiring.
Yes, I actually turned her fave cartoon on but it doesn't always help :D Gotta find a new trick.
I go thru this ALL THE TIME Sydney so don't fret! And you look this good when feeling un-inspired? Well then hats off to you! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the royal blue color as of late and even better with the yellow Talbot sandals! :D
Your "uninspired" outfit is still very pretty and classy - I can't get enough of you wearing the yellow sandals! They look so lovely on you!
the blue looks good on you :)
I think this may seem uninspired to you b/c you've figured out what silhouette/item pairings look great on you. So when you wear similar combinations often, it doesn't seem very inspiring. BUT I love how you've been playing around with colors lately -- definitely a great change, and very inspiring to me!
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